The demand for facial attractiveness among the general public has grown over time. To meet this many cosmetic procedures have been developed. Volume restoration and face augmentation are the two fundamental procedures in facial cosmetic surgery. Less invasive surgical methods like facelift procedures, injectable fillers, autologous fat transfer, and face implants have improved aesthetic outcomes.
The malar eminence and chin are the most common facial sites augmented via implants. Autologous tissues have been the gold standard for facial augmentation for years; but today alloplastic materials are more commonly used.
The areas which are most frequently augmented include the malar and the chin region.For a long period of time autologous tissues have been the gold standard.In the present times, alloplastic materials are being used.
The limitations of the autologous transfer include
Morbidity of the donor site
Limited availability
Resorption of the tissue transfer cannot be predicted
Limited moldability
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The aging process
The understanding of volume loss with ageing and volume replacement by cosmetic surgery has been one of the main achievements in cosmetic facial surgery. One of the key factors in making someone look young is an abundance of midfacial volume, which is achieved by having the appropriate amounts of fat in the appropriate facial regions. A significant factor in facial ageing is the loss or shift of this fat. All areas of the face and neck experience volume loss and volume shift, which contribute to an ageing appearance. Malar fat pads are thick and positioned superiorly on the young midface.With its base against the nasolabial fold and its tip over the malar area, the malar fat pad is a triangle structure. The malar fat pads lose volume and lower into the face with ageing as a result of actinic skin changes, gravity, fat atrophy, and deep connective tissue laxity. An often-observed result of these ageing changes is a sunken midface
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There are a wide variety of procedures for achieving volume replacement and facial augmentation including lifting procedure, injectable fillers, autologous fat transfer, and facial implants. Facial implants are an optimum for most patients. The main advantage is that they are a permanent option when compared with fillers; and they are available in many anatomical shapes and sizes. They are easily placed, the recovery is minimal, and they have a low complication rate.
Autogenous bone and cartilage have been used to repair traumatic, congenital, and surgical defects of the face. The increased morbidity of the donor site, limited supply, resorption, and migration contributed to decrease in their use. Gold, silver, paraffin, and ivory fell out of favor because of their tissue incompatibility and lack of malleability. Polymeric silicone, polyamide mesh, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, and high-density polyethylene, replaced the previous materials because of their increased malleability and biocompatibility
Midface is the prime area where,facial implants are commonly used. Nasal implants,which are not widely used,can be used to correct rhinoplasty defects.The implants which are used in midface region are Malar implants and submalar implants.
Lower third of face is another area where augmentation is mostly preferred. . Volume restoration, in addition to the re-suspension and removal of excess tissue, remains the current goal of aesthetic surgery. Facial implants play a major role in volume restoration.
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Implant types
Facial implants are tabularized according to their site Malar Submalar Paranasal Chin
They can also be Prefabricated, Anatomical or custom-made.
Facial implants are available in many shapes and sizes. Smaller implants generally restore a former appearance, whereas larger implants change the patient’s appearance. Medium implants are most frequently used in the male patient. Larger implants are reserved for the patient who desires to not only replace volume that has been lost but also augment an appearance that was previously unsatisfactory to the patient.
Different materials include High-density polyethylene ,‘‘Medpor’’ Polymethylmethacrylate Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene HydroxyapatiteMicrogenia is effectively addressed with chin augmentation.
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Implant types
Malar and submalar augmentation
Another case of malar augmentation
Chin augmentation
Chin augmentataA case with deficiency in the ramus region,where PEEK Implants were used to augment the region.ion
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Post operative care
Dressings are not required as mostly the procedures are done intraorally. Postoperative care includes medications to reduce pain,swelling and antibiotics.patient is advised to to follow a liquid or soft diet for the same period.
Improper selection or placement
Edema and ecchymosis
Hematoma and seroma
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