A surgical procedure which can enhance the overall look of the face by altering the position and size of the chin. It is done to reposition or reshaping the chin to improve facial profile
Used to correct the following problems:
receding chins, or retrognathic mandible
overly large or extended chins
chins that are very short
misaligned or asymmetrical chins
abnormal dental bite
People receive general anesthesia before a genioplasty procedure.
Why is it needed?
Generally people undergo genioplasty procedures,to alter the appearance of chin region.
Retrogenia is a condition when the chin and lower jaw are backwardly placed causing obstructive sleep apnea that causes airway obstruction while sleeping.
Preparation for a chin augmentation procedure?
For any procedure,there are certain guidelines and protocols that should be followed. You can discuss the chin augmentation process in detail with your surgeon if in doubt.The series of guidelines include
There will be a pre-surgery preparation, which includes:
Reviewing your medical background and history.
Undergoing physical examination.
Discussing your expectations.
Discussing what you are expecting from the genioplasty procedure and what kind of results the patient is expecting.
Preparing your body for the surgery completely.
The above mentioned steps are important to follow as they prepare you mentally and physically for the surgery.
We guide during each step of the procedure to ensure that the patients are completely ready for the treatment and satisfied during and after the treatment.
Sliding genioplasty
Sliding genioplasty
The chin bone is cut in half and slides one segment over the other away from the rest of the jaw.
Repositioning of the chin by sliding it forward or backward is done to correct receding or protruding chins.
Asymmetrical chins are also corrected by sliding or reshaping one side of the chin to match the other.
After repositioning, the chin is fixed to the jaw with surgical plates and screws.
Implant augmentation
Implant augmentation
We can reshape, elongate, or enhance a person’s chin by attaching plastic or silicone implants around the existing chin bone.
During this procedure, a surgeon places an implant over the chin bone, securing it with plates and screws.
Implant augmentation procedure
Implant augmentation procedures take about 120 minutes.
Minor swelling, redness, or bruising if occurs, which would resolve on its own.
Most people can return to their daily activities within 1 week.
Heads elevated for 1–2 weeks following surgery.
The chin may appear completely healed within a few weeks. However, complete recovery occurs when there are no more signs of residual swelling, which can take 3 months.
patients should attend regular follow-up appointments for their surgeon to monitor their healing and address any complications..
Risks and complications
These procedures are safe and effective methods of enhancing the chin’s appearance.
Possible complications of genioplasty include:
redness or bruising
tenderness or pain
loss of sensation or numbness
damage to nerves or tooth roots
allergic reaction to filler or implant material
changes in implant position
Recovery procedures after chin augmentation
We stand with our patients, even after surgery, for post-treatment care. The post-treatment exercises & habits the patients must follow includes
Visible swelling is normal over the chin region.It is normal.
In the case of infections, antibiotics are prescribed to control the infection.
There might be numbness over the lip and chin area, which comes to normal gradually.
Avoid solid food.
Patient can start on solid food diet post 3 days of surgery.